Ephraim Frank Maxson was born Nov 29, 2010. He weighed 8lb. 12oz and was 20 1/4 in. long He was born in 4 hours, start to finish. He's soo cute!! |
Isaiah loves his little brother so much, and loves to hold him. He's such a good big brother! |
Me with Ephraim on the night of his birth!! |
Isaiah giving Renae a ride in their little car!! |
Driving in Daddy's car! What fun!! |
Little miss Renae loves to pick up acorns, she is a big help to mommy, a good older sister, and Daddy's little princess! |
Grampy Mead came for a visit while Mom & I were in FL. We had a lot of fun with him! Here he is playing with 3 of his great-grandchildren: Joseph, Renae and Caleb |
Me reading to Joseph & Caleb! |
Little Christian, looking for something to get into! He is such a sweetie and so much fun to play with!! |
Felicity loves playing with purses, she likes to carry all her toys in them :-) she is mommy's little organizer, and helper! |